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New Brainstorming Ideas for Blog Post that attract backlinks


New Brainstorming Ideas for Blog Post that attract backlinks - Make Money 

Whether you are a new writer or a professional blogger, you always realize yourself in hot waters as to which topic you start writing. This is not something that is unique to you. All the bloggers face the same trouble or these issue on a daily basis. 

In fact, finding new ideas for the topic is a very tough job. In order to solve your problem or issue, you might have searched for various search terms in Google but mostly you do not provide the exact help you need. Apart from just finding the topic to write about, you need to find ideas that actually attract backlinks to your blog post as well.

1. Infographics Search

Use Google to find your topic + "infographic", it will come up with the top infographics results in your respective niche. To get the best results, you need to activate the Ahrefs Toolbar which will show the number of backlinks just below each result. By analyzing the top results, you can easily determine the keywords or topics for your posts. You can expand your search by adding one or two keywords such as accounting or finance + to get more ideas for writing about "infographic".

2. Use the list post

Using the power of Google search, you can try this method by entering keywords + "list". This will pop up results within your niche that are attracting the visitor's attention. Here the Ahrefs toolbar also plays an important role as it shows the top sites with the number of backlinks. By analyzing the list, you can write your own content, but make sure you write better than the top results so that visitors can discover something new in your post and link it back where ever they can.

3. Case Study Analysis

The majority of visitors prefer to read and implement the actual strategy that is working. That is why; Case study is in demand nowadays. To take advantage of this, you again need to use the Google search option. Just enter the keyword + "case study". Now it is your turn to identify the results of the case study that are getting the most backlinks. Now, use these case studies to write your new high-quality unique post so that visitors/readers who visit your blog share it with a backlink.

4. Interview publication

People like to watch and read about their favorite celebrities. Therefore, it is the best idea to search for people who have their roots in public. Try to arrange a time with them for the interview. Not only, people will come to your blog to read or watch your interview, but the interviewer can also provide a link to your blog post about their interview. This will not only increase traffic to your blog but will also link to your blog post.

5. Broken Link Strategy

This is the most effective strategy. Here you need to search for broken links in your niche. After submitting a broken list, you need to write a high-quality masterpiece that is of real importance to readers or visitors to your blog. Now, after posting the work, ping another webmaster about the broken link with the URL of your blog post. I have tested this technique and about 80% of bloggers like to link back to you if you help them identify a broken link.

6. Quora Strategy

Quora is the best place to get new ideas for your blog posts. To make full use of this, just go to the Quora website. Now in the search field, enter your niche or keyword, when the search is complete, watch for results. Results that have a high number of followers are the best topics or keywords for your blog writing ideas. Please keep in mind that your blog post does not just have to rewrite the content as it will not attract visitors to link back to you. Instead, try to introduce unique and valuable information in your posts that are not provided elsewhere. This will drive readers to your blog; Share and link back where possible.

7. Forum and Community

This is supposed to be the old method, but still, it is a very effective tool to get new ideas for your blog posts. To identify the top forums/discussion boards you have to search Google for keywords + "forums". Then search these forums and identify the threads that have the maximum number of views and replies. Now, you can use these to develop the topic of your post.

Not only this, the discus community is another best place to search for your niche. After identifying the top communities there, you can determine the topic for your blog post. You can also take help from FaceBook. Join similar groups in your niche and watch people share and request information. 

Now determine how you can fulfill their information needs by writing informative posts. If your readers/visitors find your post valuable and informative, they will definitely link it back and share it with others on FaceBook. This will increase your social share matrix, especially in the eyes of Google's search engine.

The conclusion

It is always a good idea to have a word file created to store your brainstorm ideas and a separate file for the topic you want to write/write a post on. In this way, you will do everything in a professional manner. I hope you liked this post on New Brainstorming Ideas for Blog Post that attracts backlinks.

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