We women are aware of the discomfort, stress and frustration that hormonal imbalances can cause us. When hormones fluctuate, we can feel angry, emotional, tired, moody, and suffer embarrassment from acne outbreaks. However, no matter what our partners say, hormonal balance is important to our general health and is not only a lame excuse for mood swings and feeling "off-color".
In fact, signs of hormonal imbalance do not affect our mood and emotions. Our hormones also directly affect our chances of getting pregnant and can also affect ovulation and sexual desire.
In this article, you will learn about the symptoms of hormonal imbalance and the reasons for frequent changes in your body's natural chemistry. First, let's look at why it's important to have your hormones in balance.
What are hormones?
Hormones are produced by the glands in the body and control most of the bodily functions - everything from complex needs like hunger and sleep to complex things like the onset of puberty and controlling the reproductive system.
According to the Endocrine Society, knowing what changes in your hormone levels can help you control your health. In fact, even small imbalances in your hormones can cause life-changing symptoms. 1
For example, your adrenal glands produce cortisol which is closely associated with your stress response. However, high levels of cortisol can affect a woman's sex drive and menstruation. Cortisol may also be a factor behind high levels of anxiety and depression. 2
Your ovaries secrete hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone which are sex hormones that control menstruation, fertility and sex drive. However, according to the University of Rochester, estrogen is also linked to cognitive function, breast health, and your cardiovascular system. 22
Other hormones regulate other essential functions in the body. For example, leptin affects your body weight and fat, melatonin helps us get a good night's sleep, and thyroxine helps regulate your heartbeat and regulate your metabolism.
What are the causes of hormonal imbalance
Your hormones have to work in balance together to help your body thrive. However, hormone fluctuations are very common in women, so if you feel that you have a hormonal imbalance, then you are not alone.
Doctors at WebMD state that some common causes of hormone imbalance in women are premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy, and menopause. However, other lifestyle factors can cause hormone fluctuations. Being overweight, not getting enough exercise, or lack of sleep can all take your hormones off balance.
Another cause of hormone fluctuations is a thyroid thyroid that does not produce enough thyroxine (T4). Doctors at the Mayo Clinic say that hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) can make you feel sluggish, cause changes in your menstruation, or make it difficult to lose weight.
In addition, diabetes is a common cause of hormonal imbalance and can affect not only insulin hormones, but also other blood sugar-related hormones, sex hormones, and growth hormones.
Common symptoms of hormonal imbalance
Knowing the signs of a hormonal imbalance in women can help you find out the underlying cause and help you get your hormones back into balance. Sometimes, you need to make some lifestyle changes to help your body produce enough hormones. Other times, you can use some natural remedies to help manage the symptoms of hormonal imbalance.
1. sleep disorders
A sharp increase in the hormone progesterone before your period can make falling more difficult. Dr. on WebMD Tracy Johnson says that progesterone helps with sleep patterns and can make falling and living more difficult.
In addition, the Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine reported that estrogen and progesterone decline rapidly after childbirth. This may be a factor that many women have difficulty sleeping after giving birth, and low levels of these hormones have been linked to postnatal depression.
If you want to choose a more natural approach to sleep disorders, you can read my article about the 12 best herbs for insomnia, the best foods to get better sleep, or to improve sleep disorders Try these essential oils.
2. Mood Swing, Anxiety and Depression
A hormonal imbalance can cause you to experience mood swings and increase anxiety just before your period or during menopause.
Estrogen levels fluctuate continuously during the reproductive cycle. Researchers at Harvard found that women with low estrogen levels are more prone to feel the effects of emotional stress. They found that in clinical trials, high levels of estrogen calmed the "fear response"
Helped to make you less fearful. 8
Other studies have found that hormone cortisol and hormone fluctuations can cause symptoms of depression produced by the pituitary, hypothalamic, and gonadal glands. Researchers found low levels of cortisol hormone
In women who have symptoms of fibromyalgia and depression. 9
If you suffer from mood swings and anxiety during menopause, you can find some useful advice in my article on 10 herbs and supplements for menopause. If depression and anxiety are the result of a hormonal imbalance, you can help to relieve these symptoms naturally by trying some natural remedies for depression after consulting your doctor.
3. Frequent Acne
Regular outbreaks of acne are associated with hormonal imbalances and may be the reason you have pimples before your periods.
Although the cause of acne is skin pores that become infected with bacteria, doctors at Mayo Clinics say hormonal changes can trigger acne and make it worse. They say that low levels of androgen hormones can increase symptoms of acne. 10
There are many ways to get rid of acne naturally without any harmful side effects. For example, tea tree oil is a great antibacterial ingredient that can be used in many natural acne treatments.
4. abdominal fat and constant weight gain
Because hormones are linked to your weight, imbalance in hormone levels can make it more difficult to lose weight.