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Why is positive thinking essential in dire circumstances?

 Bad conditions and complex life scenarios are like rough pavements on a smooth road of life, which are inescapable but solvent. Positive thinking is the best strategy to deal with these troubled situations.

A rational person with positive thinking becomes a winner in difficult times.

Why is this subject close to my heart?

As a child of a broken and badly terminated marriage, anger and negativity played an important role in my early life. So much negative thinking relies on issues, loneliness and restless minds. This intuition makes me, makes me a delusional self-righteous person who believes that everyone was here to destroy my life. It cost me a few friends, some breakups, and a miserable life of loneliness. In my late 20s, I tried to change my way of life with more positivity and less negative thinking. I am not going to lie; This was not an overnight change and was not an easy belief system for me. But with consistent efforts and a positive attitude towards others and myself, I was able to achieve my optimal peace of mind, some lifelong friends, and a beautiful lover, who is my best friend / husband for the past seven years.

Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking - Jig Jiggler

Positive thinking helps to keep our mind calm and focused. With a positive mind, we can think of a focused approach to deal with our problems. In your hard times, always use positive spells. "You can overcome this problem with your eyesight or by accepting help from your loved ones." Even in the worst case, if you cannot overcome it, keep your mind assured that this is not a permanent situation.

What is positive thinking?

Positive thinking is accepting things (good or bad) and trying to make something good for oneself and others. It is not about refusing to ignore the situation, or over-confidence. Optimism is always right in the realm of reality. A total ignorance of the truth, with just happy thoughts, is not positive thinking. This is an illusion, which is not healthy for you. Channelize your positive thinking towards increasing your strength and finding new ones. But also keep in mind your weaknesses and try to find ways to overcome them.

We all know that motivation is the most important factor to overcome our problems courageously. Nevertheless, a source of inspiration is a big factor in keeping your mind calm. The effect of a stimulus that comes from positive thinking is far more accurate and sensible than the excitement created by your negative thoughts.

With a positive mindset, our cause takes us on a steady path in life, while negative energy makes us weak and weak minds.

So it is not bad to keep your attitude positive in a painful situation. Life is short and unpredictable; Do not think of negative thoughts as close friends. They will make you tired in the end.

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