What is SEO ( search engine optimization)?
Search engine optimization or SEO is the operation of rising organic traffic to the results page (SERP) of search engine. It is also called of organic search or listing. If you want the 1st number rank for all keywords, then you have to implement SEO to grow your rank.
Suppose you have started a blog for sweet recipes, but your website does not rank high in organic search results. There can be various objectives for this:
- Your competitors have better content
- You use weak keywords
- You use bad link building practices
- Your webpage load time is slow
- Your website does not have a better user experience
- Your website is accidentally de-indexed
To rank higher on SERP, you need to understand how search engines work. In this post, you will learn how Google uses websites, different kinds of SEO, and distinct SEO techniques that you can use to improve your rankings.
What is Black Hat SEO?
Black Hat SEO refers to operates that violate the search engine's terms of service. This will for some time increase your page ranking in the search engine result page (SERP), but may be cramped from search engines or affiliate sites because it is opposite of the search engine's terms of service. There are following techniques of black hat SEO .
- Keyword stuffing
- Link manipulation
- Create an article, page, or site landing page with duplicate content
Word caution: You may experience short-term success. Traffic to your website or blog may increase rapidly, but the Google punishment is becoming more sophisticated with each passing day and can crush both your traffic and rankings later.
What is White Hat SEO?
White Hat SEO usually refers to SEO schemes that are in agreement with and in agreement with the search engine's terms and conditions. And as the name itself suggests, White Hat SEO is the incompatible of Black Hat SEO. A white hat SEO practice such as:
- Creating original quality content and services
- Mobile friendly website
- Use of explicit and keyword-rich meta tags
This will improve your search ranking on a SERP, and will also maintain the integrity of your website.